Economic Analysis of Female Escorts

Female escorts prostitution is a subject that fuels many emotional fires but has seldom been the focus of sound scholarly research. The study described in this article addresses this gap by examining the economics of female escorts, who are marketed online and charge a fee for sexual access to men. The findings support the hypothesis that males use evolved sexual selection mechanisms when assessing available female escorts. In addition, the results suggest that women who exhibit a nude body image on their advertisements are able to charge higher rates for in-call and out-call services. BMI and the display of naked breasts are related to these fees, indicating that a woman’s physical attractiveness and her ability to attract clients is linked to the price she can charge.

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These findings are based on self-report questionnaires completed by fifty-five women who work in the indoor sex industry in Melbourne, Australia. The women surveyed were employed in a brothel, massage parlour or as private escorts and were interviewed to’member check’ their questionnaire answers.

Very few women who perform in the sex trade report that they entered the profession voluntarily; poverty, drug addiction or fear of violence from pimps often push them into the industry. However, some women find sex work to be a rewarding career. Charlotte, for example, worked as an escort to supplement her income while maintaining an open relationship with her partner and reported that she found the threesomes she did very enjoyable.

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